Beyond the Pill: Non-Opioid Care for Chronic Pain

Bottom Line:

One of the problems with pain medications, such as opioids, is that they only treat the symptoms. In fact, they aren't doing a thing to resolve the actual source of your pain. And if you are looking for a long-term solution for pain relief, you need to address the root cause of the problem.

If you're dealing with chronic pain, now is the time to tackle it naturally and effectively. But how do you deal with chronic pain without the use of opioid pain medications? Keep reading…

What’s Important: Chiropractors are neuro-musculo-skeletal experts that are equipped with the knowledge, assessment and natural treatment techniques to identify and correct the true source of your symptoms. We’ve have found a lot of success with a plan that typically encourages:

1. Whole Body Movement with Daily Exercise: it may seem impossible to get out and get active when you're dealing with chronic pain. It’s a sort of catch twenty-two, we’re in pain and don’t want to move but movement has been shown to be one of the best things for pain reduction! For example, if you're dealing with chronic back pain, regular walks can help relieve the stiffness and soreness that comes with back pain. Find an activity you enjoy and do it often! To learn about so exercises and stretches you can do from home follow us on Instagram and Facebook or check out our YouTube channel.

2. Specific Rehabilitation Exercise designed to fit YOUR needs: I like to explain it like this, “the body doesn’t experience pain or injury because of a certain movement; we experience pain because the body is not prepared to perform that movement or task.” Chiropractors can teach you how to move correctly, avoiding future and continued injury.  Through proper movement assessment, we can design a rehabilitation program to fit you and your goals! No longer are you going to be scared to do your favorite activity because of pain. Life should be full of LIFE! We’ll teach you how to strengthen your body to perform at its best, doing whatever it is that you love!

3. Specific Spinal Joint Movement with Chiropractic Adjustments: Chiropractors are an excellent resource for anyone who is dealing with chronic pain. New research has shown chiropractic care as effective at relieving pain as many medications without the associated risks. What’s more, the likelihood of filling an opioid prescription is reduced by over 50% for people who see a chiropractor. Life can be rough on the spine. Sometimes certain spinal segments can become restricted and cause pain. The chiropractic adjustment restores proper movement to these restricted joints allowing them to function as they should and relieving pain.

4. Diet and Lifestyle Modification: Following an anti-inflammatory diet can also help with chronic pain. When the body is in a chronic state of inflammation this can inhibit the body’s ability to heal. Eating a diet consisting of natural foods such as meats, vegetables, fruits and oils  as well as avoiding processed foods can help to reduce this inflammatory state. Now, this blog isn’t intended to discuss a proper diet but a quick and easy tip to eating healthy is always beneficial. When shopping for groceries, stick to the outside of the store and avoid the middle isles. Typically, the outside sections include the produce and meat departments and the middle contains processed foods that cause inflammation.

What to do next:

You don't need to keep struggling with chronic pain, we’re here to help. Researchers have found that chiropractic care and active exercise can be very effective at reducing your symptoms and addressing the cause. Together we can get you out of pain and back to doing what you love!

If you or someone you know has struggled with chronic pain, please reach out to us at Michigan Complete Chiropractic & Rehab. We’re more than happy to help and can provide you with options for relief that don't include dangerous medications like those that have created the current opioid epidemic.

Book an appointment online or give us a call! We cant wait to meet you!

 Science Source(s):

Association Between Utilization of Chiropractic Services for Treatment of Low Back Pain and Risk of Adverse Drug Events. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2018
Impact of Chiropractic Care on Use of Prescription Opioids in Patients with Spinal Pain. Pain Med 2020

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