
What is sciatica and how can a chiropractor help?


The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that exits your lower back and runs down the pelvis, buttocks and into each of your legs. Sciatica is the term used to describe pain that radiates or travels down these nerves into your legs.

Reasons why you may be experiencing sciatica.

  • The most common cause of sciatica is bulging or herniated discs in the lumbar spine. The herniations place pressure on the nerves causing pain and neurological symptoms. Pinched nerves can cause numbness, tingling, loss of feeling and muscle weakness into the legs. The levels of the disc effected and severity of herniation can cause varying locations of pain and symptoms.

  • Pressure or irritation of the sciatic nerve in the buttocks. A deep muscle of the gluteal region is the piriformis muscle. The sciatic nerve passes directly behind, and sometimes through, this piriformis muscle. In certain cases the piriformis can spasm or become tight which puts undue pressure or irritation on the nerve causing pain and neurological symptoms.

Symptoms of Sciatica

Sciatica symptoms will vary from person to person. Patients may experience these or similar symptoms either one or both sides of the body.

  • Pain radiating down the back of your buttocks and down the back of your leg.

  • Numbness

  • Tingling

  • Muscle weakness

  • Loss of feeling

  • Burning or shooting pain

Sciatica is routinely treated in our office through conservative chiropractic and physical therapy treatment.

Getting to know you and your symptoms gives Dr. Baldwin important information on what may be causing your sciatica symptoms.

Sciatica chiropractic treatment options you may benefit from include:

If you have a question or are unsure if you are dealing with sciatica, do not hesitate to visit Dr. Baldwin as soon as it works for you. 

We'd love to see you, give you a full assessment and help you start feeling better at work and get you back to doing what you love!