IASTM- Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

IASTM is an innovative treatment approach for dealing with problems of the soft tissues of the body (muscles, fascia, ligaments, tendons). The technique utilizes specially medically designed stainless steel instruments to specifically detect and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue dysfunction or inflammation. Only trained physicians like chiropractors should perform this technique.

This technique enables Dr. Kris to detect and begin to break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions that could be contributing to your pain.


The versatility of this treatment option makes it great

IASTM can be beneficial treatment option for many different types of aches, pains and injuries. It allows for faster recovery times with the goal is improving range of motion, eliminating pain and restoring proper function.

Why you may benefit from this treatment option:

  • Decreases overall treatment time

  • Fosters faster recover and rehabilitation

  • Reduce the need for anti-inflammatory medication

  • Helps with pain reduction

  • Can resolve chronic issues that were thought to be permanent


How it works


Using the instrument Dr. Kris will first “scan” the affected area to find the site of tissue dysfunction. Once located the treatment will consist of multiple passes with the instrument over the area. You as the patient may hold still or could be asked to perform a movement simultaneously as Dr. Kris performs the treatment with the tool.

The goal of treatment is to stimulate an acute inflammatory healing response – increasing blood flow and stimulating collagen production which promotes adequate remodeling and healing of soft tissue structures.Your body recognizes this and begins to restart the healing process with new healthy tissue. This technique is also combined with movement exercises to help your body heal correctly.