Neck Pain

Tech Neck: The Link Between Posture and Neck Pain

Tech Neck: The Link Between Posture and Neck Pain

Postural stress occurs not only because of your anatomy but also because of the decisions you make each day. Believe it or not, many of us spend 2 hours or more per day on our smartphones or tablets. That adds up to hundreds, if not thousands, of hours each year! The position we hold our heads in while using these devices is referred to as "tech neck," and over the past few years, the pain associated with these positions has been growing by leaps and bounds. While many other factors contribute, tech neck could be a cause of neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain or numbness and tingling into your hands. Keep reading to see how we can win the fight against tech neck!

Fix your posture to keep your spine healthy

Fix your posture to keep your spine healthy

Does your back hurt from sitting at work? Do you like to go for walks but are scared of back pain creeping in? If this sounds like you, your posture may be to blame! Posture is described as the position that your body maintains while standing, sitting, walking or lying down. Most experts would agree that "good" posture reduces the stress on your spine by balancing the load placed upon the muscles and ligaments that support it. If you’re struggling with poor posture we’re here to help you fix it!

Relief from Tension Headaches

Relief from Tension Headaches

Does it ever feel like there is a rubber band around your head that just keeps getting tighter and tighter? Your neck might feel like it’s in knots and your fingers are sore from trying to massage the pain away. There is a good chance that if you have experienced something like this before you may have been suffering from a tension-type headache. Tension headaches are the most common type of headache with nearly 50% with some research showing up to 78% of the population having experienced one before. While chiropractors successfully treat these types of headaches every day, here are some self-management techniques for quick relief.